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lunedì 18 dicembre 2017



“Plata O Plomo” is our new record.

Born as an experiment for a show in an Italian theatre happened just yesterday, named “Escobar. El Patron” (…and it has been a hugely amazing night indeed! :-) ), around the great graphic novel written by Guido Piccoli and drawn by Giuseppe Palumbo, is essentially and album of covers, actually reworks of those latin songs recently made famous by the Netflix Series Narcos, telling the story of drug kingping Pablo Escobar.

We had so much fun putting ourselves into this project, that we simply thought to record these versions and share them as a whole with you on this EP.

Hope you enjoy as we do.

Thank you: Giuseppe Palumbo, Dany Greggio, Simone Bruscia, La Bella Stagione 2017/2018 • Riccione • Spazio Tondelli, Spazio Tondelli, Libri Mondadori, #oscarink

PS Well…this time we really go Spanish!... below you can find a free translation of all this in Spanish too :D thanks to the great Ivan Monagas Studio for his help


iTunes link https://itunes.apple.com/…/album/plata-o-plomo-ep/1324186393
Spotify link https://open.spotify.com/album/1f1ZhD5vmaIAmAz7OzMgLZ


"Plata O Plomo" es nuestro nuevo disco.

Nació como un experimento para un espectáculo en un teatro italiano que ocurrió ayer, llamado "Escobar". El Patrón "(... ¡y ha sido una noche realmente increíble! :-)), en torno a la gran novela gráfica escrita por Guido Piccoli y dibujada por Giuseppe Palumbo, es esencialmente y álbum de portadade albumnes, en realidad son recreacoines de esas canciones latinas realizadas recientemente por la serie de Netflix "Narcos", que cuenta la historia del narcotraficante Pablo Escobar.

Nos divertimos mucho al poniendonos a prueba con este proyecto, pensamos grabar estas versiones y compartirlas con usted.

Esperamos que lo disfrute como nosotros lo hemos disfrutado

Gracias: Giuseppe Palumbo, Dany Greggio, Simone Bruscia, La Bella Stagione, Spazio Tondelli di Riccione, Mondadori, Oscar Ink

Amy *

iTunes link https://itunes.apple.com/…/album/plata-o-plomo-ep/1324186393
Spotify link https://open.spotify.com/album/1f1ZhD5vmaIAmAz7OzMgLZ

venerdì 1 dicembre 2017


Portrait Film Fotografía de Cristóbal Escanilla
Actress / Model Elizabeth Valdebenito
Music: Different by Amycanbe

Ottod'Ame EP (Vinyl 7 Inches)

Love this!

The Superspecial limited vinyl 7 inches by ottod'Ame Including soundtracks:

Come Out And Play
The Breeze

Queens (Video by AI Di Ti)

Sharing new video of QUEENS by Multimedia Artist Ai Di Ti on Behance

"White Slide" Fronton King 2017

"White Slide" is a definetely a song for extreme waves and great lives! 😎

We are very happy for the collaboration with director Ivan Monagas Studio @ Gran Canaria Fronton King Pro 2017 - APB Tour World Championship ended with amazing Jared Houston champion of the pediment!

Enjoy the video of last day highlights of Frontonking!

Il Resto Del Carlino - INTERVISTA

<> Marco


Il Resto del Carlino

The NUA Radio Show

"Grano" & "Rose Is A Rose" are featured in 40th show of The NUA Radio Show by Jay Adkins - Thank you Jay!


 Please visit my main Facebook Group Page for the show - https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenuaradioshow/