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martedì 31 maggio 2011

"Redd Angel Radio" features Amycanbe

The World Is Round and little!


Berntsson Recension The World Is Round

Intervista Letlovegrow

Intervista: Tanto fumo e tantissimo arrosto

martedì 24 maggio 2011

"The World Is Round" is OUT!

"The World Is Round" is out!

New EP is now available worldwide in main digital stores such as iTunes and all others worldwide and you can listen to it now for a week on ROCKIT

Anticipated by Everywhere as single (including also Everywhere - Dub Version by mERCU) few weeks ago, "The World Is Round" is a unique initiative produced by Open Productions & Assalti Al Cuore

Inspired by Gertude Stein novel, this mini-album is a visionary concept, including 5 unreleased new tracks, all covered, one by one, by an original artwork specially drawn by the great painter Simone Brandi

The art and the songs will be available and listenable in streaming through the band's main site...stay tuned!

The World Is Round

Round And Round
Rose Is A Rose
Blue Mountain

Written, arranged, performed by Amycanbe

Produced by Matta & Alfredo “Epi” Gentili & Amycanbe
Engineered by Matta & Alfredo “Epi” Gentili
Recorded at Teatro Petrella, Longiano (FC), Italy
Mixed by Mark Plati at Alice’s Resturant, New York, U.S.A.

"The World Is Round" is also available as CD-Special package you can order here (just look the central column in the menù!) or through our shop/site www.amycanbe.it


giovedì 19 maggio 2011

Amycanbe featured on REDD ANGEL RADIO SHOW

We and our new single “Everywhere” will be featured on the Redd Angel Radio Show!

Redd Angel will be conducting an interview with Mattia Mercuriali (mERCU) and will play some songs including our new single “Everywhere”.

The Redd Angel Radio Show is broadcast in Atlanta and across the web at www.uwmixradio.com. The show will air 19th May, 7-9pm est and 4-6pm pst. Be sure to tune in and support us!


The World Is Round (including Everywhere) is out on 25th May


lunedì 9 maggio 2011


Everywhere è video della settimana su MagMusic

<a href="http://www.linkedtube.com/KhitVPJCvMU34e1d3b0c33f7912d0abcc83860d18e5.htm">LinkedTube</a>


giovedì 5 maggio 2011

THE WORLD IS ROUND - EP - Out 25th May - Release & Pre-order


Release date 25th May

Streaming on line trough Rockit.it since then
LABEL/A&R/MANAGEMENT: Open Productions // info@openproductions.eu
PRESS: info@openproductions.eu - stampa@nuvoleelettriche.com
BOOKING: info@amycanbe.it - info@indiemeno.it

Watch the video "Everywhere" on YouTube

The EP will be available from 25th May, then premiered in streaming for one week by Rockit.it

PRE-ORDER write to info@amycanbe.it or just go and see it listed in our littel shop in the central column of this blog http://www.amycanbe.blogspot.com/

info@openproductions.eu - stampa@nuvoleelettriche.com


Data di Release: 25 Maggio
In Streaming integrale su Rockit.it dalla stessa data
ETICHETTA / A&R / MANAGEMENT: Open Productions // info@openproductions.eu
UFFICIO STAMPA: Nuvole Elettriche // stampa@nuvoleelettriche.com
BOOKING: Indie Meno // info@indiemeno.it

Guarda il video "Everywhere" su YouTube

L'ep sarà disponibile dal 25 maggio. Dallo stesso giorno sarà in anteprima streaming per una settimana sul sito Rockit.it

PRE-ORDINE scrivere a info@amycanbe.it oppure lo potete trovare nella colonna centrale nel piccolo negozio del nostro blog http://www.amycanbe.blogspot.com/



Nuvole Elettriche
(+39) 331 331 87 87

martedì 3 maggio 2011

Everywhere (video)


please watch our new video for Everywhere on YOUTUBE

<a href="http://www.linkedtube.com/KhitVPJCvMU34e1d3b0c33f7912d0abcc83860d18e5.htm">LinkedTube</a>


Video directed by Lele Marcojanni (Elena Mattioli, Roberto Mezzano, Flavio Perazzini)

Single version of Everywhere (from EP - The World is Round)

Song written, arranged and performed by Amycanbe
Produced by Matta & Alfredo "Epi" Gentili & Amycanbe
Engineered by Matta & Alfredo "Epi" Gentili
Recorded at "Teatro Petrella di Longiano (FC), Italy" - Watch the sessions on YOUTUBE
Mixed by Mark Plati @ Alice's Resturant in New York, USA

